A Letter to My Son ❤️
To the little boy who stole my heart,
It's been only 2 years since you entered this world, but I have a hard time remembering what life was
like before you. I always knew I wanted you. The moment we met in person for the very first time, was the best day of my life, but I was not prepared for how much of my heart you would hold in your tiny little hands.
I am so proud of the little boy you are becoming. You are kind, smart, loving, gentle (most of the time!) and know exactly when to be serious and silly. Your personality is so similar to your Daddy's, which is exactly what I could have hoped for you! You make me laugh non stop everyday, and know
exactly when I need a smile the most. Every day you surprise me with something new that you've learned. You're learning and growing so fast! Although some days I wish I could turn back time, being able to witness all of your accomplishments, big or small, has been an incredible experience for me.
I pray, that as you grow, that you will know, I will always be there for you no matter what. I pray you will always remember that you can come to me for comfort when and if you need it. I know once you are out in the big world, that I won't always be able to protect you, but I pray that you know where I am, always. No matter how big of a mistake you make, know that I will always be here to support you through fixing it with no judgment. And if its not fixable, I will still be your support. I pray that you are always kind, even to the people who aren't kind to you. I hope you never feel ashamed to show your loving side. I pray that you never stop sharing your hugs with me. I pray that
you know that I will always love you. No one, and nothing can take that away.
like before you. I always knew I wanted you. The moment we met in person for the very first time, was the best day of my life, but I was not prepared for how much of my heart you would hold in your tiny little hands.
I love spending all of my days with you. I love waking up to your little voice, even if sometimes that voice is a little louder than I'd like to hear it in the morning. I love cuddling on the couch with you. I love playing cars with you. I love your infectious and silly little laugh. I love seeing your creativity shine through your artwork. I love going on our little adventures. I love being able to see the world through your eyes. I love every moment we spend together. I know you wont remember these days, but I hope one day we can look at the millions of pictures I take, and reflect on how special it has been, for me to have the opportunity to spend every day with you. And we must remember to thank Daddy for all the sacrifices he made for this to be a possibility.
exactly when I need a smile the most. Every day you surprise me with something new that you've learned. You're learning and growing so fast! Although some days I wish I could turn back time, being able to witness all of your accomplishments, big or small, has been an incredible experience for me.
I know some days you and I have a hard time understanding each other, and sometimes we both get so frustrated with one another, that we make each other cry. But you know what I love? I love that we can hug it out, and once we calm down, we move on. Something about that hug just makes all the frustrations go away. I know that you never mean to make me cry, and I'm sorry that you have to see me like that sometimes. But know that I cry because I love you, and whatever it is that's upsetting me, is never your fault.
you know that I will always love you. No one, and nothing can take that away.
Everything I do is for you. Every decision I make, I make always with you in mind. You are my light when my day feels dark. You are my very reason for existence. You are the reason I wake up every day. You are the one and only person in this world, that grew inside me. You are the only person who has heard what my heart sounds like from the inside.
Thank you for choosing me to be your Mama. You have made my life better in every way and I will forever be grateful for that. I love you my baby, my sweet boy.💙💙
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