Have You Heard??

You guys, there's this incredible, new and easy way to have fabulous nails these days, have you heard?? If you're on Facebook, you may have seen ads for this beauty line called Color Street. Maybe you know about it already, and can attest when I say It's the perfect solution to busy women (and maybe men!) who love having fancy nails, but never have the time to get to the salon! 

Colors: Tinseltown and Moon River

Seriously, I'm not joking, this is my new fave beauty product! Check out these fancy looking nails, looks professional right? Well, despite the fact that I do have my cosmetology license, I am by no means a professional, especially when it comes to nails. I also have ZERO patience when it comes to painting them, so when I heard about this, I was instantly intrigued. I can hear you asking, 'how the heck do you get your nails to look like that, if you aren't painting them?' Each color, glitter or design comes in what they call 'strips'. There are 16  individual strips, made of 100% real nail polish, in all different sizes to fit any nail type! Each pack has enough for 2 full manicures with some extras that you could use for accent nails, or even create your own design! The strips come in sealed plastic pouches, with a tiny nail file, alcohol pads, and application directions (although I did better with applying after watching a tutorial video-I do better with visuals). With a few short steps, you too can have beautiful fancy nails! The best part? They last as long as a gel manicure, if not longer...so no more UV exposure for your beautiful hands every time you get that mani!

I personally love these because as a stay at home mom, with a husband who works 6 days a week (he's a saint!), I have hardly any time to myself to actually leave the house toddler free, and venture to the nail salon. Don't get me wrong though, I will find time come flip flop season to get those toes prettied up! But for now, they're looking sad while my finger nails are shimmery and fabulous!

Upper East Side
(also pictured in the package)
Have I caught your interest? I hope so!! In order to get your hands (no pun intended!) on these strips, you need to know someone who sells Color Street.  Color street is an MLM company that gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to sell their products, and make a profit from what they sell. My 'dealer' as I jokingly refer to her as, is incredible! Her name is Maria, she's a fellow Momma with two littles and she rocks her little business! You can follow her on Facebook here to learn more about the latest trends, newest colors, limited time offers (like the current "buy three get one free!") occasional giveaways and tips! I also loved her application tutorial video! If you don't have facebook, have no fear! You can also check out her little business and order from her website

Tokyo Lights-My current FAVE!!

SO Mama's, busy ladies, and anyone else who loves having pretty nails, I strongly encourage you to give these a shot! If you decide to join the fancy nail club, shoot me a comment down below! I'd love to know your thoughts!


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